In The Media

Awards & Acknowledgements

Kamal’s brave story has caught the attention of many. There is not a survivor story that compares to hers. Her suffering was incomprehensible. Yet, she is not one to be kept down. She stayed alive because of her children. She survived to give them a new life without fear. Now, she thrives, and radiates to others. 

She has rightly garnered the attention of many communities, receiving several prestigious honors. The awards do not mark that she is merely alive after her ordeal, they mark that she is alive and giving; giving of her time, her effort and her heart to others who need to hear her message of hope and healing. Kamal has indeed won many awards, but in her own words, her greatest award is helping people. 

In the Media

Global TV, 6 O’clock News Hour

700 Club USAWUSA 9, Washington, DC

The Province Article, Vancouver, BC

Bill Good Show (CKNW)

CBC RADIO, Vancouver BC &, White Horse, Yukon

Gup Shup (RJ1200)

P3 (Joy TV), Vancouver BC

Women in Focus TV program, Vancouver BC

Omni TV News, Vancouver BC

GS with GS live TV program, New York City

Listen UP TV, Toronto100 Huntley Street, Ontario

Full Circle TV program, Ontario




The Global Influencer Award

The Medal of Good Citizenship Award 2016

YMCA Women of Distinction Award 2013

Certificate of Merit, Canada Heritage Ministry, Canada, 1994

The Senate 150th Anniversary Award

Women of Worth Award 2013 – Women of the year

Sher-E-Punjab Award in Outstanding Service, 2011

Drishti Award 2016

BC Achievements Awards 2016

Courage to Come Back Award, BC, 2012

Courage Community Leader Award, Surrey, BC, 2010

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